Propane Or Natural Gas: Which Is The Better Heating Fuel For Your Needs?

29 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles


When it comes to heating fuels, natural gas and propane tend to be the most popular options. Both are more environmentally friendly and cleaner-burning than oil, and they're easy to come by, too. Which is the best choice for your home will depend on your preferences. Here's a look at the pros and cons of both fuel types.

Pros of Propane

Propane is stored in a tank on-site. As the tank empties, you will need to have it refilled. This gives you some control over who you purchase your fuel from. If you don't like the company who has been filling your tank, you can hire a different once the next time. You can also shop around for the best price and customer service. The same can't be said for natural gas, which is delivered constantly through pipelines that are often operated by one company in a given area. No matter how much you hate your natural gas company, you're stuck with them.

If you have propane on-site, you can also use it to power your grill, generator, and other appliances. If there is a leak, there's a good chance it will be outside near the tank, rather than in the comparatively short segment of indoor piping that leads to your furnace. Propane is not classified as a greenhouse gas, so if some leaks out, you don't have to worry about its polluting effects.

Cons of Propane

Prices are always fluctuating, but propane is generally more costly than natural gas. You can calculate just how much you can save by using natural gas rather than propane with this online calculator. Keep in mind, however, that if you currently have a propane furnace, switching to natural gas may involve a large up-front cost that actually makes sticking with propane more cost-effective overall.

The other main downfall of propane is that some homeowners don't like the look of the tank in their yard. Though there are underground tanks available, these tend to be quite costly.

Pros of Natural Gas

When you heat your home with natural gas, you don't have to remember to have the tank refilled since it is delivered continually. This makes natural a convenient option if you're busy or forgetful. You also do not have to worry about buying or maintaining a tank when you heat with natural gas. The gas company will maintain their pipelines, monitor your use, and bill you accordingly. Gas companies are generally straightforward to work with since they are heavily government-regulated.

Natural gas is very popular as a heating fuel, and thus there are many different furnaces to choose from. Conversely, you may have only a few models to choose from if you go with a propane furnace.

Cons of Natural Gas

Though natural gas is clean-burning and one of the more eco-friendly heating fuels available, it is a greenhouse gas, so any that leaks out during the collection and delivery process will be contributing to the air pollution problem. The extensive pipelines required for natural gas delivery are also damaging to land, which makes natural gas a less favorable choice for those who are very interested in environmental preservation. The methods of harvesting natural gas, which include fracking, have also fallen under scrutiny of many environmental groups.

When you heat with natural gas, you rely on the gas company to supply you with fuel when you need it. If there is an interruption in the gas supply, there's nothing you can do about it. You'll simply have to go without heat until the company fixes the issue.

If you prefer to have your fuel on-site and are willing to pay a bit more for this benefit, propane can be an excellent heating fuel. On the other hand, if you want a more hands-off approach and your choice for furnaces, natural gas may be the better option for you.

For more information or for professional advise regarding your personal home heating needs, contact an HVAC contractor or heating professionals, such as those at Getzschman Heating, LLC.