How Do You Know Whether To Replace Or Repair Your Air Conditioner?

13 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Many homeowners rely heavily on their air conditioning systems. This is a convenience that seems like the norm until systems break down. Generally, this requires repairs. However, in some cases, it may be better to replace or upgrade. Perhaps you are wondering how to tell. There are a few factors that you should keep in mind when trying to decide. The following points will help you narrow down the best decision.


Air conditioning systems can last for many years. This is why investing in a new one is ideal if your current one is old. Perhaps you bought your home from someone else and you may not know the age of the unit. It is easy to determine the age of your system by going to the outside unit. There is information that should be located on the exterior of the unit. You should specifically look for the serial and model numbers. Write those down and look the numbers up on the Internet. You can use that as a guideline in determining whether or not to upgrade. 

Previous Repairs

Take a moment to determine how often you have needed to make repairs to your air conditioning system. Frequent failures could mean that the system is costing you more in repairs than it is worth. You could use the money you are spending on repairs to invest in a new system. The older a unit gets, the more its performance will likely decline. One key way to keep your system running its best is to ensure that you seek AC services for maintenance. Some individuals avoid getting their system maintained until they experience a repair issue. 

SEER Rating

The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating of air conditioning systems is the way to tell how energy-efficient systems are. If you plan to replace your air conditioning system, it is ideal to replace it with a model that has a high SEER number. You may also want to consider getting a model that has the EnergyStar logo.

An AC services company is a good resource to use to determine whether it would be best to replace your AC or get AC repair. They can also help you select the correct sized air conditioner for your home. If the wrong size unit is selected, there are numerous issues that you may face in the future. This is why it is imperative to include a professional when trying to decide.