Three Things To Look For When Choosing A Business To Install Your New AC System

20 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog


As a homeowner, you have spent time choosing the right air conditioning system for your home. You've done your research, and you have a system that fits the needs of your home while also buying one with good reviews about its quality and customer satisfaction. You may have even found a good price for it. Now comes the time to choose a residential air conditioning installer. At this point, it does not pay to hire just anybody. The following are a few key things to look for.

The AC installer should be licensed

Depending upon the area you live in, there may be one or more licensing requirements. Getting a license is not a hardship for a professional heating and air conditioning services company. The problem is that there are those who know just enough to install this type of system in a home, but are not licensed. They will usually have attractive rates for installation, but the risk is not worth it. Paying a professional and licensed company to do the installation will mean it gets installed properly.

The AC installer should carry workers' compensation

This is often overlooked but very important. A small operation that installs AC systems may not carry this type of insurance. So if one of the business owner's employees gets hurt during the installation, it could be you that gets sued for the medical bills. Your homeowners policy is not likely to cover this type of work on your home. Your insurance company may consider you to be a subcontractor, so you are responsible. For this reason, make sure the installer carries workers' compensation for all workers involved in the installation.

The AC installer should service what they install

Obviously, you want an AC installation company to have experience installing the particular make and model that you have purchased, but you also want to have your AC system serviced once a year. A company that installs your unit should offer an annual service agreement, so a technician can come out, usually before the weather turns hot, and give your systems a tune up. Giving your system an inspection, along with cleaning and lubrication will add longevity to the unit and keep it in top condition.

Although you want to choose a highly qualified and licensed professional to install your new AC system, you should also make sure they have experience with your make and model. Also remember to choose a company that will service your unit as well as make any needed repairs in the future. Your choice for an installer should be a company you can use over the life of the system.

For more information, you will want to check out websites like