AC Services You Can Take Advantage Of In The Fall

23 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Many people in the continental United States do not use their air conditioners often during the fall season, especially once it's reliably cool during the day. As such, many people don't think about their AC unit at all after a certain point in the year. However, HVAC services can still help your AC unit work more efficiently as well as repair or even replace the AC unit before summer hits.

Filter Issues

One of the most common issues that can befall an air conditioning unit is issues with the filter. Many households forget to clean the filter regularly throughout the year, which is understandable given how hidden filters generally are. However, the more clogged your filter is, the harder it is to clean and the less effective your AC unit is. Clogged filters require your AC unit to use more energy for the same amount of cooling. Plus, the filters are an important part of keeping your household free from pollen and other common allergies in the spring. If you've forgotten to clean your filter or haven't been able to, find AC services in your area and give them a call - they can clear out the filter and replace it if necessary.

Repair And Replace

If your air conditioner unit has lost much of its ability to cool or is otherwise non-functional, then you may want to repair or replace it while you don't need to use it rather than waiting until you do. It may be tempting to let your AC unit be until you actually need to think about it in the spring or summer, but if you can afford to hire AC services in the fall, then you should. For one, AC units sometimes act as heat pumps during the winter, so if they start to break down when cooling you could see less heating action as well. Secondly, many HVAC services consider autumn their "down-season," meaning that you can take advantage of wider time slots and higher technician scheduling flexibility.

Beyond all these benefits, you may find that there's little benefit in waiting until you need to use the AC unit to repair or replace it. If you wait until your demand for cooling is higher than it was a few weeks before, then you may be pressured to have your AC unit repaired quickly. This can lead to accepting worse prices or even worse services if you're pressed for time. Take advantage of the changing seasons and allow yourself the time and energy to manage your AC unit in the fall, rather than waiting for the spring or summer.

If you're wondering what AC services you should take advantage of this fall, talk to a local professional today.