The AC Maintenance You May Have Neglected That Needs To Be Done Before Winter Hits

16 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog


In the summer, it seems that everyone forgets about basic AC maintenance. They put off getting the air conditioning unit serviced until fall. The unit seems fine during August and September because it never gets used. Even though the AC is running less, problems can be difficult to repair and might worsen by spring. Therefore, you might need to do some of the following AC maintenance now to ensure you don't have problems when spring rolls back around.

Have Your AC Tuned Up

Over the summer months, your AC has been working nonstop to keep you cool. This can cause parts to wear and the system to run inefficiently. There are several things that an AC technician will do when tuning up your air conditioner. This will start with basic maintenance like changing the filters and testing the refrigerant gas levels. They will also calibrate the thermostat to ensure the system turns on when it is needed.

How to Avoid Problems with Your AC

There are also problems with your AC that you want to avoid. These issues can be avoided by having maintenance done and following some pretty simple practices. Changing the AC filter more frequently is one of the things you can do to avoid problems. You can also turn the settings on the thermostat up during heatwaves, which will prevent the system from cycling constantly.

The Importance of Regular AC Maintenance

Maintenance is something that should be done several times throughout the summer months. It should start with cleaning or changing the filters, as well as the condensing unit. The ductwork also needs to be checked for leaks when doing routine maintenance to your AC during the summer. You can have the maintenance done to your AC once a month during the hottest months to ensure you don't run into problems and failures.

Problems You Can Avoid with Proper Maintenance

Without routine maintenance, your air conditioner can start to have various problems. Therefore, you want to know how to spot the major issues with your air conditioning. These issues can be things like restricted airflow or hot air coming from the vents due to damaged ductwork. Another problem that can cause the system to blow hot air out of the vents is ice buildup on the condensing coils, which is caused by the unit being dirty. Many of the common problems with your AC can be prevented with simple maintenance.

You can extend the life of your AC system by simply performing regular maintenance, don't wait until it malfunctions before scheduling a tune-up. Contact an AC maintenance service like Baton Rouge Air Conditioning & Heating for help with these tasks before the weather changes.